Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Am Poem

Hello everyone!  I am finally at my blogpost.  I am going to catch up with all of my thoughts and questions within the last few weeks that we have had class and procticums.  I am excited for the "My Hero" project with the fourth graders.  the students may not seem excited right now, but I feel that they will come around once they have their hero in place.  As for the students that I am coaching, they have so many stories and so I am confident that we will all have a fun , learning experience. 
Harriet Tubman's visit was wonderful, the students had plenty of questions for her and my group wanted to ask her more, I related the questions to what they had to do with their hero so I thought the hook of it all was great.  It is sad to hear some of their stories because I can understand if their homelife is miserable and finding a hero is like asking for a miracle.  In our wrap up discussion periods after our visits with the class, I enjoy sharing our experiences with my peers.  It truly is helpful in solving problems and working together as a team.  So far, so good with my team of students and looking forward to working with them this week.

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